Interactive festival experience

Mission imbossible was a project for Familiar Forest Festival 2019. At this festival there are several winding paths that connect the different parts of the terrain. The imbossible path was dark and filled with smoke, lasers pointing from the trees. Upon triggering a laser, 10 new lasers were enabled. Or a par shining at a mirror ball. Custom built smart speakers were hanging in the trees, triggered on infrared playing audio fragments. Walking this path was a big adventure again and again.

In the figures below the detection units are shown. The units consist of a laser, a PIR sensor and a relay, switching a power socket. This is the first project for which I designed a PCB. The PIR sensors are covered with a small PCV tube, to make their angle of detection small. This ways, the detection is almost a straight line. When the PIR sensor is triggered the laser shuts off using a mosfet and it feels like you’ve triggered the laser itself.