Adventure box

Adventures in a Box

Bored of watching TV? Looking for some adventure? Then the adventure generator is just the thing you need!

The adventure generator is a small box with an LCD screen and several touch buttons. It can be used to pick random adventures in different categories. Once an adventure has been selected, it needs to be fulfilled before the next adventure is unlocked.

How does it work?

The system is based on an ESP32 Wi-Fi board that runs a C++ program. The module has 300 preprogrammed adventures in three different categories. The board is powered by a 18650 lithium-ion battery, which can be charged through USB.

The wooden frame is thin enough to control 4 touch buttons placed underneath: two buttons for scrolling left and right, one button for accepting the adventure, and one button to navigate one level up in the menu.

Adventure time

Let the device generate an adventure and have fun!