What would you do without music?

Music has always been an important part of my life. I’ve played classic piano since I was a little kid and still do. When I was about 14 I started playing bass which opened a new world for me. Since then I played in multiple bands and formations. Besides creating music, exploring different genres of music is one of my favourite activities. Since the introduction of apps like Spotify, an almost infinite source of songs and tracks is accessible, such an enrichment of the music collection!

Since about 2015 the band Flashback! has been alive, mainly in the practice room where we play each week. We only perform a few times a year but every time is a big party.

Update: Unfortunately Flashback has had a long break since the Corona virus broke out and it is uncertain whether we will rejoin and in which formation. Nevertheless, we all long to make music again so who knows what will form in time…

Below, some videos can be found of our 2019 gig in Proeflokaal Faas, Rotterdam.  Recognise the Hexagon Lamps in the back?


One of the most epic genres of music if you ask me. Here some Spotify playlists are shown from my library.