Endless hours of soldering

It’s a fascinating device, the LED-cube. It can have different shapes and sizes, I chose to build the 8X8X8 version, in blue. One can say that it’s the only type of true 3D LED screen, with an astonishing 512 pixels! The device can be arbritarely programmed and features several sensors.

  1. The MSGEQ7: This small chip has 7 analog filters and outputs voltage gains for different input frequencies. Hook up the sound set and we have a 3D visual equalizer!
  2. The Accelerometer: Ever seen a digital bouncing ball? Using equations of motion in three directions the dynamics of the 8 pixel sized ball is modeled. And can be altered. (What about moon gravity or no gravity at all…)
  3. A Nintendo (NES) controller is used for input. This makes it possible to play games on the LED-cube. Games available are 3D-snake, 3D-maze and 3D-pong.